Monday, August 29, 2011

Applique! Kind of...

I've got quite a few friends that are having babies in the near future, so I figured I need to "make" something special for their little ones. I've always thought the onesies with applique on them were super cute, but thought they would be very difficult to make. Well I attempted them recently and surprisingly they were very easy. I am to lazy to order any fusible webbing for things of the sort, so I just pinned the pattern on to the shirt. Now i'm not sure if it's easier or more difficult than doing it with the webbing. Maybe when we go statesides i'll try it out. Next i'm going to try to make a monster or owl.  For the tie pattern, it's free hand and to sew it in place I used a bigger zig zag stitch. Try it out, I promise it's easier then you might think.